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Wednesday 14 March 2012

Wow! Just had my lunch of chicken fried rice and boneless chicken in curry sauce, with a glass of fresh orange juice. We have a chinese restaurant in our office premises, which belongs to my company. I am so glad at how far it has come. Thats's my baby there!!! It was going down the drain, about to be closed down completely, when i was invited to come and turn it around. Yes! thats what i do, i am a project manager. I make things work, especially when they are almost down and out. It now enjoys the patronage of so many society people, as well as the business class ones, during weedays and weekends. the place was jamm packed on Valentine's day, that people had to que for tables. i feel so proud of the place now. i am now managing a new baby, an electricity Vending company! I am so excited to begin work on this one, cos this baby has so much potentials. But its going to be a big task ahead to capture the market, and its very challenging, which i loooove such kind of jobs.

Hey! Can anyone tell me why most men like to rush women into a relationship with them? Does that signify what am thinking of? There's this chap i had met just about 11 days ago, he has been trying to make me commit myself to him, as in, accept to go out with him and do all things that lovers do! Heck!!! That doesnt happen in my book of relationships. or am i just dragging my feet? i like the guy, but i just want to study and get to know him more, before i decide to go into a relationship. He is thinking am pulling back too much. What do you think guys? Am i doing the right thing 9cos it sure does feel right to me, having to wait a bit), or am i just wasting time, knowing that we will eventually be in a relationship. How far it goes thats what is left to be seen.

The insecurity in my country (Nigeria) is becoming a very worrisome situation. Everyday we read or hear in the news some bomb going off in one place or the other, and gun shots being heard in several places. The government doesnt seem to know what its doing, yet they are telling the people that all is in control. Those in the government, who are responsible for securing the lives of the people, either by passing laws that will do that or impplementing such laws just dont care. They are busy fighting over themselves who gets the larger share of the budget allocated to each region. The people are so scared to react to the government's insensitivity, cos of what happened the last time the nation was thrown into a series of strikes, which threatened to bring the nation to its knees. But the people were betrayed by the Labour union, which is supposed to be the voice of the ppl, together with the civil society groups. They sold the people to the government thus, ending the strikes, which had they kept on for a bit longer, the people would have won. Well!! Lets just pray that the people will wake up from slumber and act towards making changes to the country, otherwise, we will be doomed, what with the terrorist group Boko Haram (BH), poverty and so on, looming above our heads.

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